Stephen Lee is the founder, music director, and chief conductor of the Hong Kong Chamber Flutes. He grew up in Seattle and received his Bachelor's Degree in Flute Performance under the tutelage of world-renowned flutist, Felix Skowronek, at the University of Washington. After his relocation in 2007, Stephen has been teaching and performing full-time in Hong Kong. He is the principal flutist of the Hong Kong Symphonia and Gustav Mahler Orchestra, also the co-founder of Project M0CH3 (a contemporary flute and piano duo). As a soloist, orchestral, and chamber musician, his experience has led members of the Hong Kong Chamber Flutes to become better musicians.
李長豐是香港長笛室樂團的創辦人、音樂總監及總指揮。他成長於美國西雅圖師承著名長笛演奏家 Felix Skowronek。2007年回流香港後致力推廣長笛教學及演奏。李氏是香港愛樂室樂團及馬勒樂團之首席長笛家,他也創立了Project M0CH3(當代音樂長笛鋼琴二重奏)。他的長笛獨奏和樂團經驗為香港長笛室樂團的成員帶來更資深的培訓,令他們成為更出色的長笛演奏家。